Dive in

When I was young
I thought that love would hit me someday
like the icy water of a mountain lake
I would be instantly intensely aware,
completely immersed in love, overwhelmed.
And then I would know the way to be happy
the solution to all my sorrows.

I felt the water hit my face
again and again,
I saw the shadows of attraction
And as I gasped for breath I saw
that she stood on shore.
I had jumped in alone.
to feel the numbing pain.

Other times I walked to the edge of the lake
and watched another jump in.
Eagerly I waited for someone to push me
or pull me in. So we could swim together
I waited in vain
and left the wet face behind.

Now I see.
Love may sometimes be accidental
But most of the time, lasting times
Love is for those who leap into the lake
Choosing, together, to face the burning cold
And each time they surface, day after day
They choose to dive in again.

When I saw your eyes beckoning me in
I chose to jump in
Head over heals, completely immersed
Day after day, I will choose you
And as long as you choose me too,
We will have love,
the balm for all life’s sorrows.

Categories: Uncategorized | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “
Dive in

  1. Anita Fairbanks

    I like it.

  2. Karen Rackliffe

    True. And every day, still true.

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