I must begin by clarifying that not all environmental science majors do these things, but if someone did do stuff like this, randomly, then they might be comfortable majoring in the natural sciences.
Finding dirt (soil) on your pillow is not a surprising experience.
You would rather go to a screening of an Aldo Leopold film than a dance.
When teaching a gospel lesson based on President Uchtdorf’s talk on trees you bring some cross samples of tree rings and forget about airplanes.
Everyone is disappointed and surprised when you can’t identify trees based on just their cross samples.
The scary costume at the ward Halloween party was the prospective oil sheik.
A common reason for choosing your major is a desire to save the world.
You’ve stolen dirt (soil).
You love camping so much that you spend enormous amounts of time and money to plan camping trips (mostly because you don’t have a car). And its all worth it just to spend 5 minutes alone in the wilderness.
You’ve gone swimming in a National Wildlife Refuge, legally.
The only thing it takes for a crowd to identify you are the words “Major: Saving the world one tree…”
You get reprimanded for making your apartment complex look too much like the garden of Eden.
You dream in bird calls.
Your bishop asks you to use your connections to decrease the coyote population so the Jackrabbits will come back in force and his first counselor wisely changes the subject before you can recover from your shock.
People expect you to be an extreme liberal, drug-induced, tree charmer.
When you’ve been home too long you get homesick.
Not only do you know that Penstemon is not a Japanese cartoon character you know what it actually is.
You can name the parts of a flower and show them off to people.
You’ve ever spent more than 6 hours staring at a topo map in a single day.
You wanted to visit Pando on a three day weekend.
You know what (who) Pando is.
You’ve ponder the environmental impact of the Holi festival.
You buy new pants only when you have to in order to volunteer at an Environmental Science Club fundraiser.
You spent four years in college trying very hard not to get a car.
You watch the gas gauge go up with closer attention than the price gauge.
No one can tell if you are making up names for trees or remembering them.
Your first speeding ticket was received in the middle of nowhere while doing field work.
You got paid to drive down to the lake and collect freshwater sponges.
You took a date with you on said trip.
After the last class on a Friday you gear up and collect bugs in the swamp instead of going to the party with everyone else.
You are frequently consulted for hiking tips, good camping spots, and dutch oven recipes.
You would rather go to the recycling maze than the corn maze.
When your car breaks down and you ask a stranger for a ride to the nearest gas station it takes 2 hours or more to get there.
You have kept flatworms willingly for any length of time.
You think wind turbines are beautiful.
Everyone says they walk through the autumn leaves, you actually do.
You’ve ever spent more than one day in succession looking at aquatic invertebrates through a microscope.
You’ve ever been asked which tree smells like vanilla (and knew the answer).
You’ve smuggled your pet potted pineapple into the library to keep it safe from the frost while providing a sunny window for it.
Plus, the librarians take care of it for free!
Fun fact the “chalk” from the Holi festival is just cornstarch that is dyed with natural dyes. 🙂 So no harm.
Yeah, I checked…