The fading sun glinted off the sharp, pointy beak
Black feathers rustled in the brisk autumn
The claws crushed the clods of soil
An unearthly light filled razor-sharp, black as coal, eyes
The mud cracked as powerful mammalian muscles tensed
A dribble of slim oozed out of the snorting snout
Sharp hooves clawed out caverns in the freezing mud
Eyes usually empty, filled with murderous intent
Gleaming tusks bolted for feather gizzard
Feathers flew, not in fear but in fury
Claws attacked in poignant synchrony with beak
The beast, already nearing baldness, drew a little closer
But keratin claw was no match for ivory tusks
A twist, a flick, a well-placed kick
The frozen mud grew firm under the mammalian bod
And flight alone preserved avian feathers
The Christmas Ham stood tall and proud
December once more overtook November
Thanksgiving Turkey was but a vanquished foe
Defeated ‘til Halloween once more grew cold
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